Gifts Items To Fill Your Easter Baskets In 2022
The advent of Spring comes with one of the most auspicious times of the year. The Holy Week also known as Easter week is an important celebration for Christians across the globe. It is a commemoration of the sacrifices and resurrection of Jesus. Just in America, billions of dollars is spent on Easter celebrations each year.
Although the Easters is not a federal holiday in the United States, 12 of its states keep their schools and offices closed to observe the festival, which includes North Carolina and Tennessee. The demand for food items and clothes around the festival keeps on growing year on year. Gifts are also an essential part of the Easter celebrations and particularly the items of the Easter basket has evolved over time. Before we dig into gifting ideas for this Easter, let’s take a brief look into its history and it is celebrated in countries across the globe.
The Easter Week
The week of Easter begins on Palm Sunday which is a week before Easter Sunday. Good Friday is two days prior to the Easter. People exchange chocolate eggs and other fine gifts on Easter. It is believed that Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday. It is celebrated across continents in various fashion and manners. According to legend, the word Easter is derived from the Anglo-Saxon goddess, Eostre also known as Ostara. She is known as the Goddess of fertility who symbolized the rebirth and dawn of spring. Easter in other word means Passover in many languages. With the spread of Christianity, egg became popularized as a symbol of fertility and rebirth. Egg hunts and chocolates define Easter.

Easter and Meals
On Easter Sunday, many attend the resurrection mass early morning. Families then gather for a meal comprising of cold dishes like ham and sausage. This precedes the tradition of exchanging chocolate or boiled and colored eggs. The Chocolate eggs on Easter are equally important in almost all western countries that celebrate Easters. Lambs on Easter is a popular component of the meals. In Italy, the two weeks leading up to Easter is the busiest time of the year especially in Rome. Many don’t eat meat or drink wine before Easters. Easter Doe cake is also very popular. Hot-cross bun is a typical treat in England during Easter, a lightly sweet yeast pastry containing raisins. In Bermuda, people believe that if you do not eat a hot cross bun on Good Friday your house may burn down. Simnel Cake is another special treat- it is a light fruit cake with two layers of almond paste or marzipan. The cake is usually decorated with eleven marzipan balls representing the 12 apostles minus Judas. Palm Sunday is important for Poland. Polish Easter cake is known as Babka.
Easter celebrations across the Globe
The Easter Festival in Antigua, Guatemala is the largest in the world. In Finland, children dress up as witches to go hunting for chocolates. Some time ago, chicken eggs were boiled and painted in different colors to be exchanged as gifts until chocolates took over. On the contrary, Norway celebrates Easter by reading and watching crime thrillers. In many parts of the world including Bermuda, kite flying is also a popular tradition around Easter. The Easter Bunny is a famous character in England. Bunnies are symbols of new birth and fertility in Germany. The first edible Easter bunnies appeared in Germany in early 19th century. In France, all church bells remain silent on Good Friday and they begin to ring out on the morning of Easter Sunday. Many parts follow the tradition of decorating their houses. Many do “Spring Cleanings before” to regenerate and renew positive energies. Bonfires on the eve of Easter Sunday is a popular tradition in Germany. It has now turned into a major social event with major clubs holding specialized events.

Symbols of Easter and their relevance
Easter Baskets- The concept of Easter Baskets evolved out of the ritual of bringing food to the masses in yester years. Today, the same basket carries colored eggs or egg shaped chocolates. Lilies- It is used as an Easter symbol for decoration. It is widely accepted as a symbol because of its emergence around spring. Easter Lamb- Jesus is also known as the Lamb of God thus a lamb also symbolizes Easter. Easter Candles- Candles in Easter symbolize the resurrection of Jesus. Palm Branches- Palm leaves represent the arrival of Jesus. It is said when Jesus in Jerusalem, people welcomed him by waving palm leaves. Pretzels- Pretzels are being served from Ash Wednesday till Easter Sunday to maintain the sanctity of the bread. Butterfly- A Butterfly life cycle symbolizes that of Jesus and is a major symbol of Easter.
Gifting ideas for Easter 2022
Kids or Adults, Easter gifts are for all! Speaking of gifts there are a pool of options that we can choose from - Chalk Eggs, Bunny Bonnet & Tail, A Great Slider, Hatchimals, a 3D Building set of bunnies, Rabbit Plush or Stuffed animals, a bucket and play set- there is a never ending list of Easter items that you can pick from. From a bunny shaped mug to a rabbit shaped egg holder to a pastel bunny soap, there is no holding back to one’s imagination. Think and within the blink of an eye see it turn into a gift. While we are talking about gifts, we only wish for a safe and healthy Easter for everyone.

3D printed gifts for Easter
Making memories are an important part of any event or occasion and a 3D selfie beautifully preserves these memories for you. To make it more memorable, we have our customized 3D selfies which flawlessly fit into any event or occasion as a gift for people of any age. You can turn your favorite human into a bunny or you can customize a bunny and get it 3D printed. You can also convert the various symbols attached with Easter into 3D printed tokens for your friends and dear one’s. Make a 3D figurine one of the items of your Easter bucket. They say there are thousand emotions attached to a 3D printed statue or figurine, more so because it evokes vivid emotions and preserves them for eternity.