10 Ways To Celebrate National Love Your Pet Day
As pup or kitten, pets can be a little untidy when they walk into your lives. As months pass by, they begin to grow in size and so does their affection for you. By then, you begin to ignore their notorious behaviors for they have mastered the art of deceiving you with innocent faces. Before you even realize, they become your best companion in all times. So, you do not need a day or occasion to celebrate this irreparable bond that you have with your pets! To make this case even better, we are only giving you ten more ways to celebrate your beloved pet.
1. Let Your Pet Takeover Your Social Handles
If Hulk or Coconut Rice Bear can, so can your pets too. Pet influencers are a real thing and they have taken the social world by a storm. Social media users visit these influencer pages on a regular for funny and cute posts that brighten up their day. Many even have followers in millions.
This national Love Your Pets Day, put all the social media spotlight on your pet. Posts, Stories, Reels- let them star in all of that. Give your friends and followers an insightful look into a day of your pet.

2. Schedule A Spa Treatment
There’s no denying, it is fun to watch pets roll in the mud or swirl around a sprinkler but that comes with a tax of additional dirt on your pet. Now, we know that our little friends love pampering even though they might be a little hesitant about a bath or nail clipping. You can schedule a spa treatment for your pet by a professional or you can do it yourself at home, it gets even better when you take the responsibility on your shoulders. The treatment can involve exercises, massage, pedicure and of course treats.
3. Bake Treats
National Love Your Pet Day brings with it the opportunity to take extra care of your pet. One important element of that is caring about what they eat! Let’s just say that stealing or stalking your snacks is your pet’s favorite task on any day. Pets love treatos and you baking for them makes the whole activity even more important. If you bake treats for your ‘pet love’ on a regular then you can head out with your pal to a pet friendly-patio restaurant. There are a pool of options for such places in fact dogs are welcome on the patios of almost every Starbucks.

4. Go For A walk with your pet
Walking with your pet is a synonym for potty-breaks but it also serves like an anti-depressant for your ‘Marley’, stimulating his body and mind. Occasion or not, walks are mandatory! If you would like to do something out of the regular then you might even want to go for a Trek.
Don’t forget to sort out the water supply for your ‘paw-buddy’. A walk across the park on a daily basis can also help you in molding your pet’s social behaviors.
5. Do Things Out Of Your Imagination
Almost every point mentioned in this article is speaking universal facts about your pet except this! We can all co-relate on most of the behavioral aspects of our pet but there are certain unique characteristics which are only found in your pets. You would know it better than your vet. In case you didn’t identify it yet then February 20th sounds like a great day for you to brainstorm. Use your imagination to find out all things that your pet likes or dislikes.

6. Do a checkup of their weight and diet
Keeping your pet healthy coincides with your happiness. Being over or underweight can cause serious health issues for your canine friends. One simple way to determine your four legged buddy’s weight is to use a Dog BMI Calculator. Tractive has come up with various methods to check your pet’s Body Mass Index, Body Condition Score and the various parameters required to calculate these with accuracy. This can help you keep your dog healthy and plan a diet which can keep them happy all the time.
7. Itch Flea Treatment
Summers are around the corner and with that comes the dreadful dark brown insects preying on your pets. A walk in the lush green park will now come with caution. Chances are that your dog may even get infested every time you take them out. From itching to inflammation to hair loss, fleas can cause a lot of severe issues for your pet. There anti-flea medicines, shampoo and soaps or the best option would be taking them to a specialist who can neatly do the job for you.

8. Get something to Chomp
Kong’s have been around for longer than you can imagine. They have been the go to brand for pet toys which come as a great alternative for your pet’s destructive chewing habits. It also helps solve issues around weight management, crate training, digging, barking, boredom, teething and anxiety. The classic dog toy was born out of this need to ease the aforementioned issues and has been at it for decades now. Your dog can always chomp-chomp with a kong and you need not worry about the health of their teeth.
9. Reggae For Dogs or Soft rock
Dogs seem to love the vibrations of music. The most important thing your dog wants is your presence around them all the time. They just like to be around you all the time, they need not be entertained. Now, since you have decided to spend some time with your pet, you might as well entertain them with some ambient music. Several research suggest reggae and soft rock came out as the best genres for reducing stress, barking and heart rates. So next time, you know the tunes of ‘Buffalo Soldier’ can help you divert your pet’s attention whenever you need to.

10. Make Pet Figurines
There are thousands or many be million emotions of you attached with your pet. A 3D replica of your dog/pet can be the ultimate way to honor your pet whom you wish to cherish for life. Head over to My3dselfie today to get a life-like 3D figurine of your pet and celebrate all the beautiful memories you have shared over time. Don’t take our word to determine its effectiveness, read over hundreds of reviews to find why a 3D printed statue of your pet is so emotionally fulfilling.